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[성인] 산부인과마취, 로봇수술마취 / [소아] 산과마취

*월~금(종일): 수술실

  • 빨강색 배경 동그라미 아이콘 경북대학교병원
  • 보라색 테두리 동그라미 아이콘 칠곡경북대학교병원


1997 경북대학교 의과대학 졸업

2001 경북대학교 의과대학 석사 수료

2003 마취통증의학과 전문의 취득

2008 경북대학교 의과대학 박사 수료


경북대학교병원 마취통증의학과 전공의

경북대학교병원 마취통증의학과 전임의

경북대학교병원 마취통증의학과 기금교수

경북대학교병원 마취통증의학과 부교수

<논문 및 저서>

[2018] A case report of Tapias syndrome after mastectomy and breast reconstruction under anesthesia (Medicne)

[2017] The malposition of a central venous catheter through a sheath introducer via the left internal jugular vein A case report (MEDICINE)

[2017] 노인 수술환자의 부위마취관리 (대한의사협회지)

[2017] Postdural puncture headache (Korean J Anesthesiol)

[2017] The effect of palonosetron on rocuronium-induced withdrawal movement (REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ANESTESIOLOGIA)

[2015] A comparative study of early maladaptive schemas in obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic disorder (PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH)

[2015] Inhibition of reactive oxygen species downregulates the MAPK pathway in rat spinal cord after limb ischemia reperfusion injury (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY)

[2014] Clinical Usefulness of Fracture Site In Situ Block on Lumbar Spine Transverse Process Fracture (Pain Practice)

[2014] A peroxynitrite decomposition catalyst prevents mechanical allodynia and NMDA receptor activation in the hind-paw ischemia reperfusion injury rats (Exp Ther Med)

[2013] Neuraxial analgesia: a review of its effects on the outcome and duration of labor (Korean J Anesthesiol)

[2013] Antiallodynic effects of vitamin C and vitamin E in chronic post-ischemia pain (CPIP) rat model. (Korean J Anesthesiol)

[2013] Meningioma related trigeminal neuralgia presenting as odontalgia (Anesth Pain Med)

[2013] Rocuronium-induced withdrawal movement: influence of ketorolac or a combination of lidocaine and ketorolac pretreatment (Korean J Anesthesiol)

[2012] 통증처리에 있어 대뇌피질의 역할: 기능성 영상 연구를 중심으로 (J Korean Sco Biol Ther)

[2012] 경추 수술을 위한 전신마취 시 remifentanil 병용 투여가 수술 후 회복과 각성에 미치는 영향 (Anesthesia and Pain Medicine)

[2011] N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine Attenuates Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury-Induced Allodynia and N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Activation in Rats (CURRENT THERAPEUTIC RESEARCH-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL)

[2010] Superoxide and Nitric Oxide Involvement in Enhancing of N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor-Mediated Central Sensitization in the Chronic Post-ischemia Pain Model (The Korean Journal of Pain)

[2010] Comparison of Ramosetron, Dexamethasone, and a Combination of Ramosetron and Dexamethasone for the Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Korean Women Undergoing Thyroidectomy: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Study (CURRENT THERAPEUTIC RESEARCH-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL)

[2009] 자동 혈압계의 압박대로 인한 요골신경손상 (Korean journal of anesthesiology)

[2009] Reactive oxygen species in rats with chronic post-ischemia pain. (Acta Anaesthesiol Scand)

[2009] 만성 허혈 후 통증모델에서 발생한 건측의 이질통과 척수의 중추감작 (대한마취과학회지)

[2008] Small Dose of Midazolam Added to Fentanyl-Ropivacaine for (Anesth Pain Med)

[2007] 갑상선 절제술 환자에서 술 후 오심과 구토 예방을 위한 Ramosetron의 효과 (대한마취과학회지)

[2007] 갑상선 절제술 후 오심과 구토 예방을 위한 Ondansetron, Midazolam의 효과 (대한마취과학회)

[2007] 양측 경피적 신절석술 후 발생한 급성 폐부종 (대한마취과학회지)

[2007] 흰쥐의 허혈후 만성 통증 모델에서 이질통에 대한 N-acetyl-cysteine의 효과 (Anesthesia and Pain Medicine)

[2007] A combination of lidocaine (lignocaine) and remifentanil reduces pain during propofol injection. (Clinical drug investigation)

[2007] Reduction of pain on injection of propofol:camparison of pretreatment of remifentanil and premixture of lidocaine with propofol (European Journal of Anaesthesiolgy)

[2006] The effects of different doses of remifentanil on propofol injection pain: a placedo controlled camparison of ketamine (Korean Journal of Anesthesiology)

[2005] The effect of intrathecal fentanyl on hypnotic requirement of propofol during spinal anesthesia (Korean journal of Anesthesiology)

[2005] Myocardial infarction in a patient with myocardial bridge and pheochromocytoma (Korean journal of Anesthesiology)

[2002] Comparison of clinical effect of low dose bupivacaine added with fentanyl and conventional dose bupivacaine in spinal anesthesia for a transurethral resection of the prostate (Korean Journal of Anesthesiology)

[2001] The present status of outpatient surgery in KNUH (대한정맥마취학회지)