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학술지 제목
ASIA-PACIFIC PSYCHIATRY Case report of neuroleptic malignant syndrome with prolonged mental changes and severe dyskinesia
생물치료정신의학 대구경북지역 근대정신의학의 태동
한국정신치료학회지 오이디푸스 콤플렉스에 대한 재고
PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Common and heritable components of white matter microstructure predict cognitive function at 1 and 2 y
한국정신치료학회지 의식과 자기: 신경생물학적 관점
PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH A comparative study of early maladaptive schemas in obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic disorder.
PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Reliability and Validity of the Korean Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form-3 in Medical Students
NEUROIMAGE Quantitative tract-based white matter heritability in twin neonates
생물치료정신의학 강박장애 환자의 공감능력 손상 및 그와 연관된 강박증상차원
Journal of psychopharmacology changes in plasma concentrations of risperidone and 9-hydroxyrisperidone and the associated clinical effects during the switch from oral risperidone to extended-release paliperidone tablets in patients with schizophrenia
PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH Relationship between early maladaptive schemas and symptom dimensions in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
생물치료정신의학 의학전문대학원생에서 공감능력의 안정성: 2년간의 추적 관찰 연구
신경정신의학 아동기 외상이 초기 비적응적 스키마 범주에 미치는 영향
Neuroscience Research Do patients with fibromyalgia show abnormal neural responses to the observation of pain in others?
NEUROSURGERY Cognitive Outcome and Clinically Silent Thromboembolic Events After Coiling of Asymptomatic Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms
PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION A Comparative Study on Alexithymia in Depressive, Somatoform, Anxiety, and Psychotic Disorders among Koreans
CLINICAL DRUG INVESTIGATION A 6-Week, Randomized, Multicentre, Open-Label Study Comparing Efficacy and Tolerability of Amisulpride at a Starting Dose of 400 mg/day versus 800 mg/day in Patients with Acute Exacerbations of Schizophrenia
신경정신의학 초기 부적응적 스키마의 안정성 및 우울증상과의 관련성: 2년간 추적 관찰 연구
Rheumatol Int Spatial versus verbal memory impairments in patients with fibromyalgia
생물치료정신의학 통증처리에 있어 대뇌피질의 역할: 기능성 영상 연구를 중심으로
생물치료정신의학 Comparison of the Response to Self-Rating Empathy Scale between Adolescents and Young Adults
대한정신약물학회지 정신분열병 치료에서 Paliperidone Palmitate의 내약성과 안전성
인지행동치료 강박장애 환자의 부적응적 스키마 특성
PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Deficits in Facial Emotion Recognition in Schizophrenia: A Replication Study with Korean Subjects
PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of the Empathy Quotient Scale
PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH-NEUROIMAGING Multi-level comparison of empathy in schizophrenia: An fMRI study of a cartoon task
PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION The Impact of Executive Function on Emotion Recognition and Emotion Experience in Patients with Schizophrenia
Psychiatry Investigation Alexithymia and Stress Response Paterns among Patients with Depressive Disorders in Korea
Psychiatry Investigation Deficit in decision-making in chronic, stable schizophrenia: from a reward and punishment perspective
신경정신의학 부정적 정서자극에 대한 타액 알파-아밀라제의 반응 특성
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY A naturalistic multicenter trial of a 12-week weight management program for overweight and obese patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Potential vulnerability markers within the affective domain in subjects at genetic and clinical high risk for schizophrenia
대한정신약물학회지 Quetiapine 사용 후 발생한 QT간격의 연장 사례
소아 청소년 정신의학 성폭력피해아동의 인지행동치료
생물치료정신의학 스트레스 반응에 대한 생물학적 표지자로서의 타액 알파 아밀라아제의 유용성
신경정신의학 Ziprasidone의 자연적 임상경험에 대한 후향적 조사 연구 : 3개 대학병원의 경험
대한정신분열병학회지 공감과 정신분열병 : 기능성 뇌영상학적 소견을 중심으로
Anxiety and Mood 강박증 이환기간과 임상 양상
ALCOHOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH Effects of the history of conduct disorder on the Iowa Gambling Tasks
생물치료정신의학 알코올 의존 환자에 대한 도박과제의 임상적 적용