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전체 17개 (페이지 1/1)
학술지 제목
GUT AND LIVER Comparison of Histologic Core Portions Acquired from a Core Biopsy Needle and a Conventional Needle in Solid Mass Lesions: A Prospective Randomized Trial
대한췌담도학회지 무증상 담관 확장에 대한 임상적 접근
Clinical Endoscopy Training in Endoscopy: Endoscopic Ultrasound
대한소화기학회지 만성췌장염에 침범한 방선균증: 증례 보고 및 문헌고찰
대한췌담도학회지 십이지장 소유두에 발생한 신경내분비종양의 내시경 유두절제술 2예
ENDOSCOPIC ULTRASOUND Can contrast-enhanced harmonic endosonography predict malignancy risk in gastrointestinal subepithelial tumors?
DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES The Impact of Gallbladder Status on Biliary Complications After the Endoscopic Removal of Choledocholithiasis
The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract 내시경유두절제술 후 췌장염 예방을 위한 췌관 배액관 삽입
Gut and liver Successful Xenograft of Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Specimen from Human Extrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma into an Immunodeficient Mouse
DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES Risk Factors of Open Converted Cholecystectomy for Cholelithiasis After Endoscopic Removal of Choledocholithiasis
JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY Influence of Hepatic Dysfunction on the Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Fimasartan
GUT AND LIVER Rescue Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)-Guided Trucut Biopsy Following Suboptimal EUS-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration for Mediastinal Lesions
Clinical endoscopy Endoscopic approach for the early detection of pancreatobiliary malignancy in patients with biliary stricture
Gut and Liver A case of autoimmune pancreatitis manifested by a pseudocyst and IgG4-associated cholangitis
Gut and Liver Influence of obesity on the severity and clinical outcome of acute pancreatitis
gut and liver Duodenal duplication cysts of ampulla of Vater containing stone
Surgical endoscopy and other interventional techniques Endosocpic resection of ampullary neoplams: a singel-center experience